The McGilvra Youth Soccer Club participates in several tournaments throughout the year. The main tournaments are listed below, but check back here for additional opportunities.
SYSA City Tournament - The largest tournament of its kind in the state, SYSA's modified double-elimination City Tournament allows SYSA's U11 and older Recreational teams to finish the season with two guaranteed additional games. In the first week or two, many of the games are played in the evening on lighted fields. The kids are always excited about playing under the lights in a tournament atmosphere, and many teams surprise their coaches (and themselves) by raising their level of play because of it. The City Tournament began in 1969, and has been held every year since. Don't miss out on the excitement and fun of this great event! For more information click here.
SYSA All-City Jamboree - Get out on the pitch after the holiday binge and celebrate the end of the fall recreational season. The All-City Jamboree is a round-robin jamboree for U9 and U10 boys' and girls' SYSA recreational teams, hosted by SYSA's advanced development program Seattle United. This will be a day filled with fun and soccer for all players and their families. We'll have food trucks and serve up hot chocolate. Come join us for a great time! For more information click here.
Washington Youth Soccer Recreational Cup - For more information click here.