Volunteers needed: 2 open Board positions

Volunteers needed: 2 open Board positions

As the club leadership already starts to look ahead to the Fall 2024 season, I want to advertise two new board positions aimed at distributing the workload and making sure the club responsibilities are addressed in a timely and proper fashion.

The MOD Coordinator and the Coach Coordinator will help:
1. Run the MOD program (our youngest U6-U9 teams) and coordinate the field and game logistics with neighboring clubs.
2. Assist our team coaches with practice resources, new coaches onboarding and training.


MOD Coordinator
SYSA South End MOD Soccer is a Fall soccer program for teams U6 to U9.  The SYSA South End MOD league is comprised of 4 neighboring clubs; McGilvra, Capitol Hill, Mt Baker, and Beacon Hill.  Each club has a MOD Coordinator who represents their club.


  • Check in with the club Coordinators during off season.  Generate and respond to emails from coordinators to discuss and decide on basic logistics including timelines for the upcoming Fall season, game field reservation plans, 'game rules' format, etc.  
  • Check in with your club president on important issues at the MOD level.
  • Check in with your club registrar in creating MOD teams for the upcoming Fall program.
  • Ensure that your MOD teams are in Demosphere when the South End MOD Game Scheduler captures your team entries for the Fall Game Schedule around August 21st.
  • Field questions and concerns from your coaches and parents during the Fall program.
  • Recruit volunteers from your MOD program to help setup small MOD soccer fields for games and practices.
  • Monitor the condition of fields and goals used by your MOD teams.  Report damaged goals, muddy grass, or faded lines. Help move fields if necessary.
  • Participate in the end-of-season program review with other MOD club coordinators to make quality improvement recommendations for next year's Fall program.

Anticipated workload:
1-2 weekly emails with other MOD coordinators during off-season. 1h of emails + field check/maintenance during Fall season (September-October)


Coach Coordinator
The Coach Coordinator is the point of contact for McGilvra Coaches's questions regarding training material, practice plans, game rules. They have prior coaching experience and are knowledgeable about the coach and team compliance documentations.


  • Onboard coaches via Zoom/in person prior to Fall season start to set expectations, demonstrate basics, and answer questions.
  • Point coaches to training material and practice plans during season.
  • Answer questions about code of conducts and game rules during season.
  • Answer coaches general coaching-related questions

Anticipated workload:
1h/week of emailing with club leadership and other coaches from August through November.


**Board Members Benefits**

  • First pick at team's practice schedule.
  • Votes on decisions that impact the club.
  • Coaching license reimbursement.
  • A wonderful way to give back to the community and help the neighborhood club thrive.

Contact the club at president@mcgilvrasoccer.org to apply or if you have any questions.

The McGilvra Youth Soccer club's board is a completely volunteer group comprised of parents and soccer lovers from the community.  If you're interested in volunteering for the board, please email info@mcgilvrasoccer.org and we'll let you know what positions we're currently looking to fill.

The McGilvra Youth Soccer club's board is a completely volunteer group comprised of parents and soccer lovers from the community.  If you're interested in volunteering for the board, please email info@mcgilvrasoccer.org and we'll let you know what positions we're currently looking to fill.

2023-2024 Board of Directors and Officers

Position Name Email


Nick Tchemitcheff


SYSA Commissioner

Nick Tchemitcheff



Erik Christensen


Head Registrar

Anne Bare


Girls MOD U6-U9

Anne Bare


Boys MOD U6-U9

Anne Bare


Association U10+

Anne Bare


Coaching Director

Nick Tchemitcheff



Jeff Scott


Equipment Manager

Michael Van Dijken


Field Coordinator

Katey Ricker
