Our volunteers are the club's most important resource. There are numerous ways you can help our teams, either as Coach, Assistant Coach, or Team Manager. If you're interested in any of these roles, email us at info@mcgilvrasoccer.org, or indicate so on your kid's registration form.
No experience required!!
Check out the Coaches corner for more information about coaching or contact the club President at president@mcgilvrasoccer.org
Coaches: Click here to register your team.
REMEMBER: you will need your team's Demosphere team ID# to register your team. You can find that on your Demosphere profile page or in the app under the team name in the MY ACTIVE TEAMS list.
Do NOT register your team for spring soccer without the current team id#! All team registrations without a valid team id# will be deleted.
Remember, too, that all teams will register and play the spring season in the same age group that the team participated in the Fall 2024 season.
Registration closes on Friday, February 14 (late registrations allowed through February 21 with a $100 late fee, provided there is space available).
Two-Time Champions ('23 & '24)
GU12 WD Fast Flying Tigers
BU12 McG Blazers
BU15 McG Panthers
GU11 Gold GU11 Silver GU12 Gold GU12 Silver GU13 Gold GU13 Silver GU14 GU16 GU19 BU11 Gold BU11 Silver BU12 Gold BU12 Silver BU13 Gold BU13 Silver BU14 BU15 BU16 BU19 |
McG Boltz WD Red Fire WD Fast Flying Tigers HW Lava Girls BH Flaming Dragons CH Turquoise Turltes LC Fighting Squirrel Storm Bal Orcas LVR Sounder Girls HW Sharks LC Tsunami McG Blazers Bal Orca LC Bombers HW Thunderstrikers LVR Ghastly Fireballs McG Panthers LVR Alpine Strikers MBL Evergreen |
HW Golden Tigers Bal Sticky Waffles McG Wildcats WD Rainbow Puma Cheetahs Mag Scorpions LVR Rainbow Unicorns Mag Lotus Bal Marauders LC Hawks Mag Bazooka Bombers LC Fuzz Mag Rainiers QA Jaguars WD Wolfpack QA Black Thunder LVR Huskies BH Red Arrows LC Socceroos HW Firehawks |
We want to thank everyone for participating and making this an event to remember.